Avoid the Summer Sun
San Antonio is experiencing a rise in temperatures, causing unwanted heat.
Learn how to stay cool during the summer with these tips:
Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, in particular water. Avoid large amounts in a short period of time. Instead do short, regular intakes.
Find shade when possible to avoid harmful rays, and never leave children or pets in vehicles.
If you are 60 years of age or older, you may request a box fan from the City of San Antonio by calling 211. Press “Option 1” to speak with a representative who will refer you to the nearest location for pick up or make arrangements for delivery to your home.
Limit your outdoor activity, especially midday when the sun is hottest and stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible.
Stay Informed
Check the weather app on your mobile device before heading outdoors to remain informed on weather forecasts. Know the signs of overheating and check in on your friends, family and neighbors.
Individuals with visual or hearing impairments can receive American Sign Language and Closed Caption alerts by registering at sat.ahasalerts.com/ActiveAlerts.aspx.
Additional Resources
CPS Energy | cpsenergy.com | 210.353.2222
San Antonio Water System (SAWS) | saws.org | 210.704.7287
Animal Care Services | sanantonio.gov/animal-care | 210.207.6000 | Report animal cruelty by calling 311
VIA | viainfo.net/trip-planning | 210.363.2020
Cooling centers across the city can be found here or calling 210.206.8580.