Housing Stability Vouchers Awarded by HUD
April 24, 2023
Opportunity Home San Antonio secured 41 Housing Stability Vouchers by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on April 17 to distribute to individuals experiencing or are close to homelessness or looking to escape precarious situations.
Housing Stability Vouchers are provided to public housing organizations in partnership with local Continuum of Care and/or Victim Service Providers to distribute to households experiencing or at risk of homelessness, as well as those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking. As a whole, the City of San Antonio and Bexar County were one of 29 communities to receive grant funding and housing subsidies by HUD to distribute to local service organizations that work to reduce homelessness.
In addition to the 41 Housing Stability Vouchers awarded to Opportunity Home, four Housing Stability Vouchers were awarded to the Bexar County Housing Authority, while the South Texas Regional Alliance for the Homeless, an Opportunity Home community partner, was awarded more than $14.5 million in grant funds to distribute to local service organizations, including SAMMinistries, the SA Hope Center and Haven for Hope. Those organizations will utilize the funds to provide permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, street outreach and programs that link residents to social security and disability benefits.
Opportunity Home is committed to working with its local partners to provide equitable housing to individuals in need and reduce San Antonio’s unsheltered population, which, as of 2020, increased by 4.5%.
“Providing equitable housing is fundamental to our organization,” Opportunity Home President and CEO Ed Hinojosa, Jr. said.“This funding in the form of vouchers is essential to ensure we can continue to provide options for residents in terms of housing.”