Owner Incentives for Housing Choice Vouchers and Mainstream Programs Approved

Owner Incentives for Housing Choice Vouchers and Mainstream Programs Approved

Opportunity Home Board Approves Owner Incentives for Housing Choice Vouchers and Mainstream Programs


May 12, 2023

On May 9, Opportunity Home San Antonio’s Board of Commissioners approved the Owner Incentive Payments program policy for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Mainstream programs, proposed by Opportunity Home’s Assisted Housing Programs Department.

By offering these owner incentives, Opportunity Home aims to retain and attract new owners to the HCV and Mainstream programs and provide families a sufficient supply of affordable housing options.

In an effort to increase successful leasing for voucher holders in a competitive rental market, Opportunity Home will implement incentives up to $500 to owners who lease to HCV and Mainstream program participants under new contracts and owners newly partnering with the organization. The payment may be made after successful execution of a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract and would not apply in cases of moves within the same property or for those remaining in the same unit with a new HAP contract.

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approval, Opportunity Home has the authority to use administrative fees for expenses related to assisting HCV and Mainstream Voucher families to lease units. Opportunity Home hopes to finalize the process and start paying out incentives on July 1, 2023.

“The Housing Choice Voucher Program assists low income families, disabled and our elderly population with rental assistance,” said Stephanie Rodriguez, Director of Assisted Housing Programs. “With this incentive, we hope that more landlords will see the benefit of the program, including low vacancy rates due to the need and number of voucher holders searching for homes, and the housing assistance payment goes directly to the landlord for a portion of the contract rent.”