Determined to Uplift the San Antonio Community

Determined to Uplift the San Antonio Community

As part of our Beyond Housing blog series, “It’s Personal,” we spotlight Opportunity Home employees who have been a part of our housing programs and make a positive impact everyday in our community through their experience, expertise, and dedication. 

Her firsthand experiences as a public housing resident have been instrumental in helping her to serve her clients with compassion and understanding in her past roles as a community manager and assistant director of public housing, as well as in her current position as director of public housing at Opportunity Home.

Overcoming Challenges Through Support and Perseverance

Ruth Bautista grew up with a strong and supportive family, and a deep sense of community. Her grandparents provided consistent encouragement for her to pursue education, and as the eldest of five siblings, she in turn provided that encouragement to her brothers and sisters. She felt a responsibility to be a role model, showing them that education and hard work would help them achieve their goals.

When she was in high school, Ruth was chosen for the SANYO (San Antonio Neighborhood Youth Organization) program. This program provided employment opportunities in the summer, allowing Ruth to purchase clothing and school supplies for her younger siblings. It also gave her the opportunity to attend Texas A&M University where she gained valuable experience working with children and youth.

Taking part in this program gave Ruth a sense of empowerment, and the ability to overcome challenges to reach her goals. She became the first in her family to earn a college degree.

“I believed that growing up in public housing was not going to determine my future. Stepping on to a college campus for the first time made me realize that I was meant for greatness, and that I could make a difference in the world,” says Ruth.

Uplifting Community Members

Ruth knows that there are many misconceptions and stereotypes about public housing residents, but she wants people to understand who they really are, and the contributions they make to society.

“They contribute to our community. They volunteer at our local churches and schools, and they are band booster moms and PTA moms. They each have their own unique story, and they just need some assistance to achieve self-sufficiency,” she says.

Ruth believes that setting goals and having a strong support system helped her to rise out of poverty and achieve a better life, and she believes other public housing residents can do the same.

“If you want to succeed you need to set educational and career goals and have a clear vision of what you want to achieve so you will stay motivated. Seek out mentors and people who believe in you and encourage you, and take advantage of all the resources available to you. You will face challenges, but if you stay resilient and persevere, you can overcome them,” Ruth encourages.

Past Experiences Shape Her Approach

Ruth emphasizes that her past experiences as a public housing resident shape her compassionate approach to her work at Opportunity Home. Having been on the other side of the desk, she strives to understand and address the diverse needs of public housing residents, particularly the elderly and disabled.

In her role as a community manager, she was able to be in tune to the stresses facing her residents, and she could see herself in them.

“I’ve been the 6-year-old child waiting in the lobby with my mom. I’ve been the teenager getting the room ready for a housekeeping inspection and all the effort that goes into that because we took it very seriously. That was our housing. That was the only stability we had. And so I think that gives me a unique lens and helps me to be compassionate and non-judgemental,” Ruth states.

She tries to instill this sense of compassion in all employees, emphasizing the importance of the roles they all play in the lives of residents, even if they seem minor. When she was a community manager, she would remind the painters who were preparing a unit for new residents that they were part of creating a beautiful, safe home for a family. Every employee serves the residents in their own way, and she wants them to feel that sense of mission and pride in helping to create a better life for others.

Advocating for Residents is Her Calling

Ruth Bautista’s journey from public housing resident to her current role at Opportunity Home as the assistant director of public housing serves as a testament to the power of determination, resilience and a strong support system. She continues to advocate for increased services and opportunities, understanding the impact they have on breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

She says of her role at Opportunity Home, “This is my purpose, and this is my calling. And this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.”