Moving to Work


Opportunity Home is one of 39 public housing authorities throughout the nation with the Moving-to-Work (MTW) designation, which provides agencies with the flexibility to design and test innovative approaches to enhance the agency’s programs.

The program’s flexibility is designed to achieve MTW’s three statutory goals:

Increase self-sufficiency opportunities for families through job training, educational and employment programs

Reduce expenses and achieve cost effectiveness by improving overall agency efficiency

Increase housing choices for low-income families


Opportunity Home is hosting a 30-day public comment period from February 14, 2025, through 5 p.m. on March 18, 2025.

Comments on the FY 2025–2026 MTW Plan are due March 18, 2025, and may be emailed to [email protected].



FY2025 MTW Plan

The Agency’s Annual MTW Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 as required by HUD Form 50900.


FY2023 MTW Report

The organization submitted the Draft MTW Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 as required by HUD Form 50900 on September 29, 2023. It is pending HUD review and acceptance.


MTW Agreements, Plans and Reports


MTW Dashboard

Opportunity Home has developed this Moving to Work (MTW) Dashboard to collect and share key MTW-related data, including households served, vouchers, units, and reserves. This is a public dashboard and is designed to facilitate communication about the MTW program and its goals. We look forward to your feedback — please send any questions or comments to [email protected]. For definitions and additional information, please scroll below the dashboard.

How to Use this Dashboard

Use the navigation menu at the top to move between the following:

MTW Households

This page shows the organization’s current status for the MTW statutory requirement to serve substantially the same number of households that would have been served absent the MTW designation. For more information see PIH-2013-02

MTW Reserves

As a MTW designed public housing authority (PHA), the organization has the ability to combine funds from traditional sources including public housing operating subsidy, public housing capital fund grants, HCV Block Grant funding, and public housing rents and use these funds in flexible ways to meet the community’s local housing needs. This page shows our current MTW reserves or savings and the organization’s commitments of those funds and the amount of obligated funds. 

Committed: Funds are committed consistent with the organization’s annual MTW Plans and Board Approved budgets. 

Obligated: Funds are obligated when there is a binding agreement such as an executed contract or purchase/service order that obligates the funds. For MTW eligible activities (ie, resident services and operations), pursuant to the MTW Agreement, a contract is not necessary and a Board Resolution is the obligating document.


MTW Households: Public Housing and Voucher data comes from the organization’s internal tracking system of the 50058-MTW Family Reports required by HUD. Local non-traditional households come from the organization’s internal tracking system for Beacon Communities and other third-party management companies. 

MTW Housing: Faircloth Limit is sourced from HUD. Local non-traditional households come from the organization’s internal tracking system for Beacon Communities and other third-party management companies. 

MTW Reserves: MTW fund commitments come from the organization’s annual budget resolutions and MTW Plans. MTW obligations come from an internal financial tracking system.


What is Moving to Work?
Moving to Work (MTW) is a demonstration program for public housing authorities (PHAs) that provides them the opportunity to design and test innovative, locally designed strategies that use federal dollars more efficiently, help residents find employment and become self-sufficient, and increase housing choices for low-income families. MTW allows PHAs exemptions from many existing public housing and voucher rules and provides funding flexibility with how they use their federal funds. PHAs in the MTW demonstration have pioneered a number of innovative policy interventions that have been proven to be successful at the local level, and subsequently rolled out to the rest of the country’s PHAs. Currently, there are 126 MTW PHAs nationwide. For more information, see MTW Overview.

Is Opportunity Home an Expansion MTW PHA?
No, Opportunity Home is one of the initial 39 PHAs designated as MTW. The organization operates under its owner MTW Agreement.