Opportunity Home Celebrates Nearly 50 Residents Dedicated to Achieving Self-Sufficiency

Opportunity Home Celebrates Nearly 50 Residents Dedicated to Achieving Self-Sufficiency

Opportunity Home Celebrates Nearly 50 Residents Dedicated to Achieving Self-Sufficiency

Opportunity Home San Antonio’s Community Development Initiatives (CDI) Department recognized Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants who completed the federally-funded Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program during an awards ceremony on Sept. 6 at Central Office.

Through the program, 49 FSS participants voluntarily committed to a five-year contract to achieve professional and/or personal goals, such as securing employment, graduating college or purchasing a home. Participants utilized employment, education, financial literacy and various resources referred to them by FSS resident service specialists.

Tyshae White-Williams, who is a resident of the Francis Furey community, served as keynote speaker. White-Williams graduated with an associates degree in science (pre-med) and served as a resident ambassador for Opportunity Home. Through the program, the goals she achieved included full-time employment with SAISD as a food service employee, completion of the Financial Literacy Class “Pay yourself first” by IBC Bank, and an increase of her earned income by more than $16,700.

“The FSS program offered so many resources that have helped accommodate the needs of myself and my three children,” said White-Williams. “With the assistance of this amazing program, I plan on going back to school in February 2025 for my RN to BSN, and within the next two to three years, my goal is to buy a house and a puppy for my family.”

White-Williams is one example of the nearly 50 residents who achieved goals they set at the onset of the program and increased their earned income. Collectively, the total increase of earned income for the FSS graduates amounted to more than $1.2 million with an average of $25,623.36.

The FSS program is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-funded program administered by public housing organizations nationwide and is offered to Public Housing and HCV participants. Once participants are enrolled in the program, they are set up with an interest-bearing escrow account made up of the difference of the rent they pay when entering the program and the increased rent charged as their income increases. Participants can claim the account upon completion of the program and if they have met essential terms of the contract. The amount of escrow awarded for this cohort of FSS graduates totaled $493,669.

“Many of you persevered and overcame tremendous obstacles in these five years,” said Dalia Flores Contreras, who serves as a commissioner for the Opportunity Home Board of Commissioners. “Whether it was child care, transportation or other challenges, you rose to the occasion and stayed true to your course for success.”

To learn more about the FSS programs, visit our Resident Programs webpage.