Congressman Greg Casar (TX-35) held a press conference to celebrate nearly $3 million of federal investment in Westside San Antonio affordable housing on May 3.
A total of $850,000 will be directed toward Opportunity Home’s Alazán Expansion development. Additionally, $1,050,000 will be allocated for the Esperanza Community Land Trust, community owned housing to protect existing extremely low-income housing in the Westside, and $850,000 will go to the Westside Homestead Preservation Center, a one-stop facility for vulnerable, often elderly, homeowners in the Westside, providing assistance to retain ownership of their homes and maintain clear title of their property.
Alazán-Apache Courts is the oldest public housing community in San Antonio. These funds will ensure Opportunity Home can continue serving the families on the West Side of San Antonio. The project will help to revitalize the neighborhood with new affordable housing and investment and contribute to economic development, serving families that are primarily 0-15% of area median income, and offering the deepest affordability.
“Opportunity Home is grateful to Congressman Greg Casar for securing $850,000 for the expansion of the Alazán-Apache Courts,” said Ed Hinojosa, Jr., president and CEO of Opportunity Home San Antonio. “The Alazán expansion means that existing and future families of the community will continue to have a place they can call home and where they can thrive without being burdened by rising housing costs.”